Results for East Midlands Urban League, Chesterfield, 14/06/2015

course results
course splits
downloadable file of splits in SPORTIdent file format CSV (comma separated) or TXT (semi-colon separated) .

Any feedback/comments whether good or bad to will be used to help improve our events. Queries/omissions the same email address.

Photos by Daniel Kimberley

Controller’s comments

Thanks to all the competitors and the generally kind words at the download tent. The feed back was positive and almost all enjoyed their courses. Words used to describe the courses included rarely heard ones such as “superb” and “fiendish”.

The thanks should go to the planners Richard Parkin and Jon Cundill who planned courses which had a good variety of legs and plenty of route choice to get you thinking.

We encourage you all to enter your course route on routegadget
or you can give us feedback on the Facebook event page

Apart from the weather, only two items marred the event.

Firstly I apologise for not cutting enough the circle on control 109. The circle on the map partly obscured an uncrossable wall which meant that it was very difficult (for some impossible) to see on the run.

Secondly once more we had a report of a competitor reaching over an uncrossable wall to punch a control. In hindsight we should perhaps have used a different control as the length of cable meant we could not put it far enough away from the wall to prevent this whilst still securing the control. Can I remind all competitors that if a wall is marked as uncrossable then this means you should not cross it with any part of your body whether or not you can physically do so.

Thanks to the planners for making my job relatively easy, and to all DVO helpers which meant that on the day I could concentrate on checking the controls

Thank to St Mary’s RC school for allowing us to use their school and its complex of buildings and in particular its caretaker who was kind enough to open all those gates on a Sunday for us.

Steve Kimberley


I’d like to say thank you to everyone who came today, both you, the runners, and also you, the volunteers. I’d especially like to thank my co-planner, Jon Cundill, and my controller, Steve Kimberley, for their diligence and good-humour throughout.


I hope you enjoyed the courses, if not the weather. (I would apologize for the weather, but this is the organiser’s department and, be assured, I’ve had a word with him about that.)


As many of you pointed out, the control circle at #109 ought to have been broken to the south as well as to the north and east. Three pairs of eyes (Jon’s, Steve’s and my own) missed that one. Sorry about that. I heard it caught out quite a few. I think the line probably would have been broken had it been obscuring a gap rather than an impassable wall. This is something to bear in mind for the future. I propose we call this the problem of Schrödinger’s Gap, it is both a gap and not a gap, until you get there.


You may be interested to hear the course planning made extensive use of 3Dre-run’s new course-setting module (see This enables the course planner to assess the relative lengths of the possible route choices, while viewing the map as a competitor would during the race, rotated. I was pleased to see a variety of route selections being made today, including some we had not envisaged. To help analyse further how the courses performed, I’d like to encourage you to enter your routes on DVO’s Routegadget page. (You can also enter comments and feedback at the same time.)


Richard P



Yes, thanks to everyone who ran, and it's really gratifying to get so much positive feedback on our efforts.


My thanks also go to Steve, and especially to Richard my co-planner - this was my first attempt at planning anything bigger than a level D event, and I've learnt a great deal about how to plan challenging and interesting courses from him during the process of putting this event together.


Jon Cundill



Any feedback/comments whether good or bad would be welcome to to help us improve our events. Any queries or omissions to the same email address.

Results software provided by MERCS